Captain and Tennille: A marriage like no other

Husband and wife duo Captain and Tennille dominated much of the 70s with their keyboard and piano instrumentals. Unfortunately, the duo’s time in the spotlight didn’t last much longer than a decade, leaving the memories of the two that much more reminiscent.


Is the Spider-Verse happening?

With the Infinity Saga wrapped up, it may feel like Marvel doesn’t have any more tricks up their sleeves. Phase Four recently began with the premiere of Wandavision, giving us a brief glimpse into what the next couple of years will look like for Marvel Studios. Wandavision marks the beginning of a story arc that will carry over into Spider-Man: No Way Home and concludes with Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. With the introduction of both the multiverse and characters that have been revealed that will be in Spider-Man: No Way Home, it’s looking like we’ll finally be getting a live-action version of the Spider-Verse, with Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield returning as their incarnations of the web-slinger.  However, recent comments from Tom Holland have said otherwise. So, is there any factual evidence for the Spider-Verse?


Artist of the Month: Black Punk Bands

February is Black History Month and for a while now, I’ve wanted to write about Black punk bands. Punk has always been a community meant for those angry at the world, for screaming for change, for the chance to be heard, and most importantly, to be able to be themselves without backlash. Even so, after my last article on female punk bands, I realized that punk has not been so perfect at making sure everyone is heard and appreciated. But it’s the groups that aren’t as heard that are the most important to listen to. Black punk bands help spread not only a form of education as to what the Black community is going through, but also offer each other a sense of belonging in a largely white community


Ball State University Singers bring forth warmth and goodwill for 2021

The walls of the dimly lit hallway leading to MU 123 are chipped with avocado green paint. The flooring has decades of hope, laughter, love, sweat, tears, and dirt from the bottoms of Ball State alumni’s shoes caked into the tiles’ seams. Despite the age, the second you enter the quaint mirrored room in the Hargreaves Music Building, you are instantly transported into an environment full of dedication, goodwill, and support. Sounds of laughter, singing, chanting, and clapping all filter into the hallway. Even while social distancing, the Ball State University Singers bring students of all majors together to fill the charming room with passion and warmth.


7 Years Later: Why ‘The Giver’ Films Should Have Continued

Louis Lowry, known for books like Number the Stars, The Anastasia Krupnik Series, and The Silent Boy, reached her peak when she wrote 1993’s The Giver. Lowry wrote about 12-year-old Jonas, who was chosen to receive memories of his society’s past from the giver, Jeff Bridges. She was able to tell a story of a government keeping humanity bottled up in one man, the giver, and how dangerous and cruel this burden can be. I believe the 2014 film’s lack of violence and blockbuster-esque appeal killed the film before it was even released, although it wasn’t the film’s fault that it didn’t continue. 


Top 10 ‘Soulcalibur’ Characters

One of the best and longest-running video game franchises, Soulcalibur continues to show players what it means to strive toward a goal—and their destiny—through the means of using unique weaponry. No two characters have the same weapon or moveset, so I always experience new ways to combat enemies. The game itself is incredible, and it seemed only appropriate to rank the top 10 best Soulcalibur fighters/characters.


Why ‘Black Panther’ should be recast

During the Marvel Studios presentation, Marvel President Kevin Feige revealed that they weren’t going to recast Black Panther's role, nor use CGI to bring the character back. Instead, the Black Panther sequel will be focusing on the other characters from the first film, and further develop the world of Wakanda. While it’s understandable that Marvel wants to respect Chadwick Boseman as much as they can, not recasting the role is a major mistake.


History Of: Valentine’s Day

Tis’ the season for the only day of the year where it’s socially acceptable and celebrated to be super corny and mushy with your lover. This day practically oozes affection. This kind of love is a challenge to flee from when it surrounds every move you make throughout February, so the majority of people either completely love it or completely hate it. I have certainly flip-flopped from one side to the other, but something that remains a burning question in my head is how did Valentine’s Day become a holiday? 


Valentine’s Day: A New Perspective

I love celebrating Valentine’s Day, but not for the reasons most people do. For many, Valentine’s Day is about spending the day with their significant other, showering them in love and care. For me, it’s about expressing my love and appreciation for my friends, family, and myself.


“Choose your own” Discography Guide: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard

This guide will follow a “choose your own adventure” format. It will start with what is arguably the definitive Gizzard album, I’m in Your Mind Fuzz, and will then allow you to choose which record to go to next. This is mostly dictated by the different sounds of each album, and what can tie them together to create a path. When you’ve completed your path, go to the outro at the bottom! It is encouraged to listen to a couple of songs from each record as you explore your path, have fun!

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