The famous late night talk show host and Ball State alumnus could return to campus as a part of the "Dave at Ball State" series. Breanna Daugherty // DN File 

David Letterman to receive nation’s top prize for comedy

David Letterman’s job was to make America laugh five nights a week, but he also didn’t mind making his audience uncomfortable. The late-night host’s irascible, independent streak inspired fierce loyalty from fans and critics and led to his being honored with the nation’s top prize for humor.

Kayla Robertson // Photo Provided

Ball State graduate to appear on Broadway

Concentration is key during an exam, but recent Ball State graduate Kayla Davion Robertson’s concentration was interrupted by her phones insistent buzzing. It wasn’t until after that, she realized why she wasn’t being left alone. 


GALLERY: On the Mark, For the City community paint day

Volunteers started painting the side of the Mark III Taproom on May 13 as part of the On the Mark, For the City mural project created by the We're Trying Collective. The mural will illustrate the Muncie community's acceptance and support for all people.

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