Junior Carissa Martinez performs her floor routine against Kent State Feb. 4 at Worthen Arena. Martinez ranked 14th for her floor routine. Andrew Berger, DN

Ball State wins second home meet of the season

It was a rocky start for Ball State, but once they received a total of 49.275 points for bars, they were able to gain a slim lead. Ball State was only ahead by .050 after the third event. It was anyone’s meet, but the Cardinals’ 49.325 points on floor sealed the deal for Ball State’s win, and the meet ended 196.075-195.525. 

Meghan Holt, DN Illustration

We have the right to strike

If the government is for the people and by the people, then it should be ensuring the working class has strong, secure rights. Workers deserve the right to a clear path for joining unions, promoting negotiations and taking part in collective bargaining.

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