(From left) Graham Walters, Owen Walters, Dawn Walters and Bryan Walters. Walters, Photo Provided

Walters family to be honored as official family for Family Weekend

On Saturday, the university will host one of its biggest events for Family Weekend — the football game. Prior to this week, freshman telecommunications major Owen Walters wasn't going to attend the game, until his mom, Dawn Walters, received a phone call from Ball State notifying her that her family would be honored during the 2017 Family Weekend Ceremony. 

Greg Fallon asks the panel a question during the Open Forum on Sept. 13 in the auditorium of Southside Middle School. The Open Forum discussion revolved around the school system. Kaiti Sullivan, DN

Mearns talks education, Muncie at first public forum

An audience handed white index cards up to Southside Middle School’s stage Wednesday night as a moderator read aloud the questions written on them, curious about how the new president of a former teachers college was going to help the public school corporations in the surrounding city.

Nick Siano got an alert from the bank when trying to pay the busar’s office that he had $4.63 in his account. Paige Grider, DN

Nick and Tired: On the Brink of Zero

Overdrawn, overspent and overanxious. Wasteful spending was never in my wheelhouse. I was a talented dog-walking entrepreneur growing up and scrambled to pull neighbors' garbage out for a spare dollar or two each week. I did everything to justify any spending a 10-year-old might do.

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