Demi's Diems: Coming Home

I see home in the eyes of my father as he hugs me for the first time in five weeks. I see home in the smiles on the faces of my old high school friends as we embrace and catch up on lost time. I see home in the purple walls of my childhood room, still plastered with One Direction posters that I was too lazy to take down when I moved away. 


Outta Left Field: Boys will be boys

Cam Newton, reporter for Cosmopolitan Magazine, approaches me and asks about the process I went through when contouring my face with a pallet of makeup.  I look at him, giggle and say, “It’s funny to hear a male talk about makeup.”

Muncie Police car parked outside of Dollar General on Wheeling Avenue. Andrew Smith, DN File

Muncie police investigating overnight shooting

Muncie police are continuing to investigate after a man was shot two times Thursday night.  Police and Delaware County EMS were dispatched to the intersection of Macedonia Ave. and E. Kirk St. a little after 9 p.m., according to Muncie Police dispatch. 

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