Succulents in the Richard Orchid Greenhouse Sept. 5, 2018. Mel Niksich, DN

Greenhouse hosts succulent program

Bright, green succulents are a plant that can be seen in the windows of college dorm rooms, soaking in the sun. A plant that you can learn more about at the Orchid Greenhouse on campus.

Then-junior student and Ball State VMC president Mary Posner still has the 'strike' shirt she wore to the Vietnam "teach-in" demonstration Ball State held in response to Kent State shootings on May 7, 1970. Photo provided, Mary Posner

Kent State spurs Ball State into action

Imagine a sea of Ball State students gathering in front of the Arts Terrace at the David Owsley Museum of Art, not for graduation, but demonstration. At 10:30 a.m. May 7, 1970, a student yelled into a microphone, “Ball State, where are you?” 

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