Sister Cindy's controversial sermon at Ball State drew hundreds of viewers to the Quad

TikTok star and viral sensation “Sister Cindy” Smock visited Ball State Friday afternoon to spread her message to the student body. With a Bible in one hand, a sign reading “Slut Shaming Time” in the other and wearing a shirt emblazoned with the message “Be a ho no mo,” Smock spent almost four hours on campus preaching her signature brand of evangelical Christianity. 

Archived newspapers are sprawled out for a photo. The freedom of the press has allowed newspapers to run for more than 230 years. Unsplash, Photo Courtesy

OUR VIEW: Founding Our Freedom

On Sept. 17, 1787 — 234 years ago today — the Constitution was created. However, that was just the beginning for what has since become the document that has allowed student journalists like us to have the voices we have now.

The new Cardinal Fanstore features merchandise in the old T.I.S. College Bookstore building Sept. 14. The Cardinal Fanstore specializes in selling Ball State-themed merchandise, making the Ball State Bookstore the only option for students to purchase books close to campus. Rylan Capper, DN

Muncie bookstore T.I.S. bought out by Gameday Spirit, now named The Cardinal Fanstore

As most students do at the beginning of the school year, sophomore architecture major Allysa Britting set out to purchase textbooks before courses started. She went to the Ball State Bookstore first but said the lines were long, and she didn’t see too many books on the shelves, so she decided to go to the T.I.S. College Bookstore in the Village, only to discover it was no longer a bookstore. 

Jaylyn Graham poses for a photo next to his artwork "The Colorism Series," Sept. 13 in the Multicultural Center. The piece was part of Graham's senior exhibition "The Black Experience." Rylan Capper, DN

Multicultural Center staff shares goals for new location

Formed in the 1970s, Ball State’s Multicultural Center has served as a resource for students of color and other minority groups for nearly 50 years. Now located in the heart of campus near Bracken Library, the center hopes to educate and inform students on current issues relating to race, culture and inclusivity.

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