Muncie's Older Sister

Muncie, Indiana has a sister city in Zhuji, China. Relationships between sisters form a special kind of bond. For many, sisters are not only family, but a best friend.  


The New Face of Downtown

The buildings alongside Walnut Street were wrapped in corrugated aluminum, hiding the historic brick facades. Some had been renovated to the styles of the ‘80s. It was a mishmash of architecture. The street was paved over as a plaza for pedestrians to walk from store to store — except they didn’t.

Mike Stetzel, back middle, poses with his family at his cousin's wedding Oct. 9, 2018. This photo was taken after Stetzel had already had his new kidney for almost 3 years. Mike Stetzel, Photo Provided.

On the waiting list

A ten-minute phone call saved Mike Stetzel’s life. On the other end, Stetzel’s donor coordinator told him he’d receive the kidney he’d been waiting on for four years to cure his polycystic kidney disease.