Nice conditions ahead

Weather Forecaster Morgan Strackbein has your update on the upcoming weather this week. Expect clear conditions with above average temperatures for most of the week!


Adult-ish: A Nashville Thanksgiving

 We found ourselves nestled into a Super 8 on the outskirts of Nashville, Tennessee next door to an all night jazz club that wasn’t going to stop playing music until 3 in the morning. This wasn’t how my mom and I expected to be spending Thanksgiving break together, but we were thankful for a place to sleep and time to spend together.  


The media, the holiday season and the story of a child who doesn’t celebrate any of it

I definitely remember my little fourth grade choir class doing Christmas sing-a-long stuff while I sat in the library and wrote an essay on Linkin Park, because my teacher didn’t want me doing nothing. I don’t know who got the worse end of that deal, and I don’t think I ever actually got a grade on my essay. Still waiting on that. I hope I get an A; I need it to pass that class. 

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