‘Far Cry 5’ is a gorgeous, entertaining, but slightly bumpy romp through the mountainside

‘Far Cry 5’ manages to break free from the “Ubisoft open-world game” tropes, providing a gameplay experience that stays consistently fresh throughout the entire playthrough. The game may not be perfectly designed, but manages to be fun even during the most frustrating bits. The story and characters also surpass expectations, being very compelling to learn about throughout the journey. Ubisoft continues to nail their stellar presentation as well, this time in a whole new environment. It may be a rocky road at times, but the journey through it is definitely worth the trouble. Hope County is definitely worth the visit for those who’ve either never experienced this type of game before or for those who’ve become burnt out on the open-world genre.


Standing up to Logan Paul: An interview with ‘Toyooka’ director Jeremy Rubier

While Logan Paul’s videos are so often associated with negativity, Rubier has channeled that negativity into positivity through Toyooka. The rise of vlogs has lowered viewer expectations and caused audiences to accept an environment where their media literacy is left unchallenged. Directors like Rubier who travel the world in hopes to capture beauty and meaning now face difficulty in combating these new lowered standards.

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