My name is Joe Smelser and I am a landlord in Muncie. I have been in the rental business for over 29 years. I bought my first property with my mom in 1988. She and I spent countless hours cleaning, painting and repairing my first house.  I have always been good with my hands and was able to do a lot of the work myself.  I started to consider the possibility of becoming a landlord. The prospect of becoming a landlord was somewhat scary.  Who would I rent to? Could I make a living doing this?


Stay Outside’s ‘O,FN II’ remixes a local band

In the end, 'O,FN II' is absolutely worth checking out. If you aren’t familiar with the band, I would recommend listening to this EP first before moving onto 'Okay, For Now.' While the sound is certainly different, it isn’t bad by any means. If you like to listen to music when working on other things or just want a mellow tune to calm you down, this is easily the EP for you. It’ll be interesting to see where Stay Outside goes from here.


InQueeries & Theories S2E2: “Hir and Now”

“Hir and Now” explores the long-standing relationships between queerness  and the theatre. It brings in such disparate evidence as Will Cather’s  short story “Paul’s Case” and Kinky Boots. The discussion takes on queer  stereotypes as well as the welcoming outlet for queer performers that  theatre in America has long represented.


Documenting Docs: "Audrie and Daisy"

This week we are going to look at a film that highlights the perils faced by young people when they are not listened to: Netflix’s Audrie and Daisy. The documentary focuses on Audrie Pott and Daisy Coleman, two high school students who both experienced cyberbullying, vandalism, and exclusion after being sexually assaulted. 

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