Channel Awesome outs former content producer as sexual predator, prompting subscribers and content producers to leave

In the video aggregate site’s most recent response to controversies surrounding former content producers, Channel Awesome has seemingly revealed the identity of a sexual predator who used to work in association with the company. Chatlogs shown in the company’s response indicated that former contributor Justin Carmical was grooming and assaulting other Channel Awesome content producers. These revelations are the product of a series of responses to a list of grievances levied against Channel Awesome by a number of people who used to make content that was hosted on the Channel Awesome website. The nature of the grievances levied against Channel Awesome’s present and past management include poor management, sexism, and even protecting sexual predators. 


BSU hosts 3rd annual Cardinal Screenplay Festival

The Cardinal Screenplay Festival, now in its third year, is a celebration of the Department of English’s best scripts, written by students and performed by both students and faculty. The scripts are chosen from the screenwriting courses, in this case English 410 and 615. 

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