‘The Predator’ is a fun, entertaining ride

 While 'The Predator' suffers from unexplored ideas it is still a  enjoyably fun and entertaining movie. Packed with 80s action movie  tropes, black comedy, and catchy dialogue, it’s one hell of a ride from  beginning to end. All in all, it provides a lot of entertainment value.  


Carrie Underwood sticks to her roots on ‘Cry Pretty’

 'Cry Pretty' shows what Carrie Underwood is all about. Talking about  sensitive topics, drinking and heartbreak coping, this album will surely  capture the interest of country fans. Country music seems to be  overlapping with pop recently, but this album is a symbol of what has  stood against the test of time. Her depictions of faith never go out of  style. The stories behind the music are touching and will leave  listeners replaying for pleasure.  

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