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Cool, wet weekend in store

Weather Forecaster Jordan Wolfe brings you news of a cool, wet weekend coming up for the area, including chances of a rainy home football game this Saturday!


Input 2 S7E5 - Cracking Open the Disney Vault

Welcome to this week’s episode of Input 2! This week, we talked about the Disney Vault and the sheer amount of content coming to Disney+. What sort of incredible movies are going to be available? Are there any trends that can be discovered by looking at their full catalog? And what even is 'Operation Dumbo Drop'? Find out these and more in this week’s episode of Input 2!


How to get the most out of your workouts

Most men in college exercise to gain muscle mass. To increase muscle mass, two things must be done.  The first is exercise. Lifting weights or exercising with machines  increases muscle protein synthesis. The more often this is done the more  frequent muscle protein synthesis occurs, and the more muscle mass is  grown. That is why people that work more often than others have more  muscle mass. The second way to increase muscle mass is to increase  dietary protein intake. Combining exercise and increased protein intake  will work synergistically to increase muscle mass. 

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