The skeletons at the Crigger house on the corner of Gilbert and Alden were celebrating the skele-baby’s birthday on Oct. 24.

Muncie’s Skele-Fun Decorating Contest

A local resident started the first Muncie’s Skele-fun Decorating Contest.  The Crigger family started decorating their house three years ago, and after one day, their kids wanted the skeletons to do more; and Sara Crigger, made that happen.



  Welcome to this week's episode of The Coven! This week, we talked about how the religion of Wicca is portrayed in media. Is it good? Is it bad? What can be improved? All that and more will be discussed in this week's episode of The Coven!

TNS Photo; Elliott DeRose, DN Illustration

Brutally Honest: Mr. President is at it again. Shocker.

President Trump always takes to Twitter to express his extreme dismay with any situation, and this impeachment inquiry makes this rather apparent. This is not how any elected official, let alone the president, should act. It proves how childish, uninformed and unprofessional he really is.

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