Kia Holder's impact goes beyond the court

 This was a repeating occurrence on senior weekend, as Holder played her last two matches at Worthen Arena. Women’s volleyball split its weekend series against the Chippewas, winning Friday night 3-2 and losing  3-1 Saturday afternoon.  

The theme of Women's Week 2021 at Ball State is "What’s next?: moving forward after a year of political transformation, increased calls for social and racial justice, and an uncontrolled pandemic.” Betsy Kiel, Photo Provided

Ball State Women's Week 2021 schedule

Ball State’s Department of Women’s and Gender Studies will host its annual Women’s Week March 22-26, 2021. The theme for this year is “What’s next?: moving forward after a year of political transformation, increased calls for social and racial justice, and an uncontrolled pandemic.”


Andrew Bird and Jimbo Mathus’ album ‘These 13’ is all heart at its core

 For folk lovers everything, 'These 13' speaks to the art. Bird’s exploratory pop mixes with Mathus’ traditional gospel to create an album that takes you on a journey. Though the makeup of the sound is simple — just a fiddle, guitar, and two voices — it is riveting. It’s a worthwhile listen on all fronts, production, lyrics, and especially in originality.