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Hobby Fair in Muncie

Junk Journals at Hobby Fair

MUNCIE, Ind. — The Maring-Hunt library held a hobby fair where everyone in Muncie could show their hobbies. There was a crochet table, notebook cards, and a junk journal table. One of the tables was an assortment of crochet animals and blankets; showing off her talents she displayed them and told a story of how crochet has been passed down in her family for generations. 

She now does crochet for school kids and shows her talents at the art festival. There was another table where junk journals were made out of pokemon cards. These junk journals were made from anything from toys to board games. These junk journals were handcrafted and shown all over muncie. This hobby also shows her junk journals in the yart festival. 

The Maring-Hunt library also has a lot to offer in the upcoming future. There is a scarecrow fest where people can come and plant plants and enter a scarecrow contest to win a gift card to the bookstore. Also, there is the 150th anniversary of the Muncie library celebration in the upcoming year.  

The Maring-Hunt hobby fair happens around this time every year. If you want to go and experience and see all the cool hobby booths, make sure you follow the Muncie Library on Facebook. If you would like to participate in the hobby fair, make sure you also follow the Muncie Library.

Contact Essence Eaton with comments at essence.eaton@bsu.edu.