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Hot Takes

‘Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’ is a truly ultimate game

'Super Smash Bros. Ultimate' is a miracle game that will only happen once  every 100 years. Despite a few hiccups here and there, the game manages  to far outdo the hype it’s generated since its announcement. The  insanely huge roster allows for all sorts of unique match ups. Couple  the roster with the World of Light and you’ve got a game that’s easily  worth more than the standard $60. 

‘Mortal Engines’ is a cinematic clunker

 ‘Mortal Engines’ is quite possibly the worst of the worst when it comes  to YA adaptations. It looks great, but with all of the flaws under the  hood, it’s hard to really recommend seeing this movie. 

Animation A-Team S5E3: Animation Adaptation Atrocities

Welcome back to the last episode of Animation A-Team for this semester! On this week's episode, we discuss the many live-action adaptations of anime that have had many difficulties. Why do these films keep missing the mark, and how should they improve for the future? Join us on this week's episode of Animation A-Team to hear our thoughts on the matter.

How to improve YouTube Rewind 2019

From the unknown YouTubers to the Fortnite dances, there was nothing that I loved about this video. So YouTube, if you’re reading this, and chances are you’re not (Because why would you click on a random college publication’s article?), but if by some chance you are, I am throwing my name into the ring for your next hire.
