If you’re looking for a “Thriller” that actually has the effect of a real psychological thriller, here are a few songs that prove it’s possible. I just wouldn’t recommend putting any of these on your Halloween party playlist.
Shot entirely in the Fishers area, this local film is sure to capture your heart.
Expertly shot and incredibly informative, 'Life Itself' offers a personal, in-depth look at the life and career of Roger Ebert. For those interested in Roger Ebert's work or a glimpse at his effect on film criticism, 'Life Itself' certainly won't disappoint.
On July 9, 2010, at a little past 3:30 am, an unarmed, homeless pastor was killed inside a Denver prison after five guards restrained him, electrocuted him for 20 seconds with a stun gun, then denied the man life-saving first aid. The city of Denver thought that Marvin Louis Booker was a nobody, that his life would matter to others as much as it had mattered to them. They could not have been more wrong.
We’re back witches! This week on The Coven, we take a look at the life of the late Hugh Hefner. Hefner left behind a very controversial legacy that begs the question, was his work an important part of women’s liberation?
'The Tree' is an emotional story of true friendship and kindness, with an outstanding lead actress and beautiful visuals that showcase the American Midwest. Based on the life of the director’s mother, this film is fun, heartfelt, and stunning to watch.
Originally founded in 2010, Indy Scream Park has become known as Indiana’s Premier Halloween event.
In its second season, 'My Hero Academia' breaks tradition to provide in-depth character development that the first season lacked.
With Star Wars Battlefront, EA’s other Star Wars game, filling the role of team-based online shooting game a la Battlefield or Call of Duty, what gameplay niche will this new game fill?
Unities, a new label from Sony Music, will publish video game titles on platforms such as the Nintendo Switch and PC, according to an announcement this week.
'If Blue Could Be Happiness' is a promising and fulfilling step forward for Florist. It is by far not a perfect product, but the complex arrangements, mature themes and more appropriate instrumentation paint a prosperous picture of the future for this burgeoning artist.
Which pop artist has the stronger record? How does this new stuff compare to their past? All this and more on this week’s Remixed!
For Indiana locals who want a taste of the music festival experience close to home, Fountain Square Music Festival is no doubt a worthwhile experience.
The rates for pet cleaning rate per night run between $50-$75.
In the past couple of weeks, Samsung released information confirming that their Samsung Galaxy X would be a foldable smartphone.
'No Postage Necessary' looks great and offers a feel-good experience. While there are some overused character tropes , the character interactions effeminately make up for it.
'Tatterdemalion' offers an in-depth look at the negative effects of superstition while also developing a strong relationship between the two main characters. Additionally, the question of if Cecil is a threat will leave audiences on the edge of their seats pining for the answer.
Back in April, the Federal Communications Commission passed a vote that took away price limits for Internet Service Providers that service rural customers. Specifically, customers “within a half mile of a location served by a competitive provider.”
There’s also a really good reason for continually making players shoot Nazis in the head: they’re the ultimate villain. On a fundamental level they represent the worst that mankind is capable of, and there should be something cathartic in destroying that. So when people call out Wolfenstein II for encouraging the lurid killing of Nazis, they’re missing the point of killing Nazis.