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‘My Hero Academia’ Season 3, Episode 1: “Game Start”

 “Game Start” devoted a lot of time to fan-favorite characters, but  included too many flashbacks for the episode to be considered anything  but a filler. It teases at what is coming up in the season, but doesn’t  live up to the hype of this highly anticipated release.  

‘Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom’ is the ultimate sequel that improves on the original in every way

 ‘Ni No Kuni II’ is an absolutely incredible JRPG. It doesn’t  revolutionize the genre, but does it so well that few other games can  come close. The world is beautiful, the characters are likable, and the  combat is some of the best in the genre. This is easily one of the best  JRPGs of the past decade and, if it wasn't for Persona 5, it might be  the best. If you loved the first game, love JRPGs, or even just love fun  action-based gameplay, this game is highly recommended. 

‘Ready Player One’ is a nice-looking, but empty, brainless, and embarrassing movie

'Ready Player One' is a movie that has redeeming qualities. It visually looks amazing, and the performances put in are all incredibly solid. Its story is bland and inoffensive. The major problems lie in cringy writing, a really embarrassing romance subplot, and sound design that fails to match its stellar visuals. And of course, it’s loaded with pop culture references that may be good for some, but made the movie just unbearable to watch. It reminds of me something… but I can’t come up with a reference that fits this movie.

Frankie Cosmos continue to fulfill their potential on ‘Vessel’

The only alarming thing to come out of 'Vessel' is the realization of just what the band could do next within their genre. Instrumentally, the record is an indie pop masterpiece, a gorgeous fusion of sonic innovation and contextual efficiency. As one of the most personality-driven acts around, Frankie Cosmos had a tall order replicating the mood and temperament of past releases. Fortunately they evolved yet again, throwing more complex, but still realistic subjects onto the audience. Finally, the emerging talent of Bailey, Martin, and Pyenson takes center stage, an emergence that simply states that future Frankie Cosmos conquests may further employ the capabilities of these underrated musicians.

The Coven S4E8: Toxic Masculinity

We're back witches, with another magical episode of the Coven Podcast.  This week, we're looking at the toxic masculinity. What is toxic  masculinity, who is affected, who is helping, what is going on with  defense on either side? All of these will be answered and more will be  discussed on this episode of The Coven.

Derek Savage: A god amongst men

Derek “Daddy Derek” Savage is an author and filmmaker most known for his kids’ safety public service announcement: Cool Cat Saves the Kids. And soon he’ll be directing his next film Cool Cat Stops a School Shooting.

‘The Walking Dead’ Season 8, Episode 13: “Do Not Send Us Astray”

This week’s episode is absolute garbage and none of it should’ve been given the okay to air on television. Poor acting, poor writing, and poor lighting plagued "Do Not Send Us Astray." Everything was mishandled and there are no true redeeming qualities in this episode. Don’t waste your time. Watch 'The Flash' or something that isn’t this show.

‘A Way Out’ is a unique co-op story-driven action adventure game featuring a charismatic duo

'A Way Out' will keep your attention for the entirely of its story. Leo and Vincent are both fascinating characters with relatable motivations, even if the story has some cliche plot points and wooden dialogue. Most of the minigames are somewhat out of place for the game’s story with their weird mechanics, but provide some fun distractions for you and your co-op partner. I would recommend this game to anyone that is looking to have some enjoyment with friends, and if they are looking for some action and a suspenseful story. You will definitely not want to miss this prison-break friendship that creates a stomach-punching finale.

The faces of Indiana Comic Con 2018

Indiana Comic Con is a yearly convention that caters to fans of all things related to comic books. With film festivals, panels, exhibits, contests, celebrities, and a huge exhibition floor for vendors and artists, there is bound to be something at the convention for casual comic fans and hardcore collectors alike. 

Stay Outside’s ‘O,FN II’ remixes a local band

In the end, 'O,FN II' is absolutely worth checking out. If you aren’t familiar with the band, I would recommend listening to this EP first before moving onto 'Okay, For Now.' While the sound is certainly different, it isn’t bad by any means. If you like to listen to music when working on other things or just want a mellow tune to calm you down, this is easily the EP for you. It’ll be interesting to see where Stay Outside goes from here.

InQueeries & Theories S2E2: “Hir and Now”

“Hir and Now” explores the long-standing relationships between queerness  and the theatre. It brings in such disparate evidence as Will Cather’s  short story “Paul’s Case” and Kinky Boots. The discussion takes on queer  stereotypes as well as the welcoming outlet for queer performers that  theatre in America has long represented.

Documenting Docs: "Audrie and Daisy"

This week we are going to look at a film that highlights the perils faced by young people when they are not listened to: Netflix’s Audrie and Daisy. The documentary focuses on Audrie Pott and Daisy Coleman, two high school students who both experienced cyberbullying, vandalism, and exclusion after being sexually assaulted. 
