by Emily Guffey Disclaimer: This review is of the PS4 version and was played on an original PS4. Borderlands is a series near and dear to my heart. I’ve enjoyed pretty much every Borderlands game that has come out to this day. I knew from the day Borderlands 3 was announced I was going to get it. I preordered the game and waited with bated breath for the fated day. Not even Randy Pitchford and the insanity surrounding him could prevent me from getting this game. September came around, I pre-downloaded the game and watched as the clock ticked by and the thirteenth quickly approached. What do I find on the other side? A beautiful mess of a game. Great, yet full of missed opportunities; an experience lacking in the worst places.
Classic co-op chaos with a couple issues
An underwhelming story with mishandled antagonists
Sights and scuffles that are hit or miss
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