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'Team Sonic Racing' displays the real superpower of teamwork

by David Kurzendoerfer Disclaimer: This review is of the Nintendo Switch version of the game, played in both handheld and portable mode The long-awaited third installment of the Sonic Racing series is finally here, this time with a new twist in its team-focused gameplay that helps solve many of the issues of traditional kart racers. Instead of having to rely on luck, players can finally leave the end result up to their skill. As a disclaimer, I played Team Sonic Racing on the Nintendo Switch, and I primarily played in docked mode with a little portable play sprinkled in when I was in bed. I found very little difference in terms of the amount of frame drops I experienced between both docked and undocked play. Although the Sonic Racing series may seem like a Mario Kart knock-off at first glance (and it's undoubtable that much inspiration was taken from the wildly popular franchise), Team Sonic Racing makes the formula much more balanced. Team Sonic Racing includes many of the same items that are present in most every Mario Kart game (Blue Cube Wisp is a Banana Peel, Orange Rocket Wisp is a Green Shell, Crimson Eagle Wisp is a red shell, etc.). Don’t let that fool you, though. Team Sonic Racing is faster, more action-packed, and more strategic. With its team-based gameplay, even the most devastating setbacks can mean nothing in the grand scheme, which saves the momentum and leaves everyone feeling completely satisfied.

Game mechanics

Image from Steam
Team Sonic Racing Team Sonic Racing Sonic Racing Team Sonic Racing


Team Sonic Racing

Outside of the races

Image from Steam
Team Sonic Racing Team Sonic Racing
Steam Steam


