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‘Deadpool 2’ puts forth maximum effort

Following a movie as funny and outlandish as Deadpool, Deadpool 2 had high expectations to meet. The R-rated not quite superhero movie Deadpool 2,  like the first, breaks the fourth wall and makes references as often as  possible. The humor does not let up from start to finish, but the movie  does contain some unexpected twists and turns.

Scout Master Kevin??

Image from IMDb

One of the things people loved about the first Deadpool movie was the  inappropriate humor, and that does not disappoint in this movie. It  seemed a little lighter than the first, but by no means did it skimp.  The best parts of the movie made you laugh out loud. Some jokes were  easy to catch, but most of them were references made by Ryan Reynolds’  character, Deadpool. He managed to reference quite a few Marvel  characters as well, calling Domino a “black Black Widow” at one point.

Although most of the movie was made to be humorous, there were a few  lower intensity moments in the film. These moments helped progress the  plot, but they didn’t have as much of an impact as they were meant to. A  lot of jaw-dropping scenes didn’t make me feel anything really, even  though I felt I should’ve. A major scene at the beginning of the film,  which should have been shocking and almost heartbreaking, didn’t really  feel like much. It was almost disappointing.

Gender neutral X-Men

Image from IMDb

This movie introduces the X-Force, a group of mutants (and one random  guy named Peter) that Deadpool puts together to save a kid by the named  Russell (aka Firefist). This was seen in the trailer for the film, but  an unexpected turn took place with these characters. In the midst of  these people, even though they didn’t have much screen time, was an  unexpected cameo by Brad Pitt. These characters brought some more humor  to the film.

The plot started off at a low point before gaining speed and became  so much more. The majority of the film was spent with Deadpool trying to  get his heart in the right place to reunite with his love, so he  decides he needs to protect this kid, Russell. To do that, Deadpool must  fight Cable, who wants to kill Russell because of what he does in the  future. There is a lot of action in the film that flows nicely. For some  of the action sequences, they like to slow the scene down, an editing  technique they did in the first. This adds more emotion and just makes  some fight scenes look cooler.

Luck Isn’t a Superpower

This is a movie where a lot of powers are shown off and given screen  time. Domino’s luck looked really awesome on the big screen because  things always worked out in her favor, no matter how impossible it may  seen. Russell’s fire power, when he gets to use it, is another of my  favorites. As a kid, he is a lot more powerful than most. This movie  also showed Colossus fighting dirty, a change for his character.

Image from IMDb

A lot of this movie focused on how certain characters developed over  time. Deadpool may not be the best influence, but Colossus and Negasonic  Teenage Warhead learned from how he went about things. Sometimes you  need to fight dirty. The character development for Deadpool was also  impressive. By the end of the movie, he allowed himself to care for  others.

Cable was an interesting character, especially since he was from the  future. He wasn’t like your normal villain and had good reasons for why  he wanted to kill Russell. The twist with him at the end was unexpected,  but it added to the vibe of the movie.

What’s great about Deadpool is how much he likes to break the fourth  wall and talk to the audience. He also likes to give some spoilers for  what’s to come. This is a movie you have to pay attention to in order to  understand all of the references. The end credits scene was probably  one of the best scenes of the entire movie and elevated the level of  humor. My personal favorite was the very last one.

Overall, Deadpool 2 was a great movie. It didn’t hold up to  some emotions at times, but made up for it with the humor. The first one  was better, but this one can hold its own compared to it. It still  contains the same Deadpool character everyone had fallen in love with in  the first movie. The soundtrack fit the movie perfectly, and helped add  to what was shown on the screen.

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