by Dylan Bateson and Gunner Masters With all the different ideologies in the Star Wars universe, two have always stood out and have become the center for basically any and all things that happen in that universe: the Sith and the Jedi. Jedi represent all that is good and Sith represent all that is evil. However, in between those two ideologies is a grey area that takes the best of both worlds and creates the ideology of the Grey Jedi. The Grey Jedi are a group of people who are gifted in the Force, who walk the line between the light and the dark without being corrupted by the dark side. Another ideology that falls within the Grey Jedi ideology are Jedi who do not follow the will of the Jedi Council and do not restrict themselves by following the Jedi Code. This of course doesn’t sit well with the normal Jedi and that is why the Grey Jedi are a splinter group of the original Jedi Order, having established their own ideology. The core of the Grey Jedi ideology is balance, not only with the Force but also in every aspect of life within the galaxy. The Grey Jedi recognize that the Force was made up of a Light and a Dark side. Furthermore, they recognized that one could not exist without the other. This is prominent within the Grey Jedi Code.
Flowing through all, there is balance There is no peace without a passion to create There is no passion without peace to guide Knowledge stagnates without the strength to act Power blinds without the serenity to see There is freedom in life There is purpose in death The Force is all things and I am the Force
"Jedi and Sith wield the Ashla and Bogan. The light and the dark. I'm the one in the middle. The Bendu."Star Wars Star Wars
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