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Captain Planet fights for marriage equality in Australia

Earth, fire, wind, water, and heart. It is only through these powers being combined that Captain Planet, the environmentalist super hero from the 90s show Captain Planet and the Planeteers, can fight to make the world a better place. Captain Planet relied on his Planeteers: Kwame from Ghana, Wheeler from Broooklyn, Linka from the former Soviet Union, Gi from Asia, and Ma-Ti from Brazil to fight alongside him to help save the world from those who would abuse the Earth’s resources by polluting and destroying nature.

Captain Planet did not always fight for environmental causes though. There was an episode about fighting panic about AIDS, one on fighting drug addiction, and probably the one that has aged worst of all, an episode about fighting gang violence. (The 90s were a different time.)

Captain Planet is still fighting environmental and social issues even after being off the airwaves for over 21 years. The official Captain Planet Facebook page posted a picture early yesterday with accompanying text urging all Australians to register to vote so they can legalize marriage equality. It read: “Without heart, there would be no Captain Planet! Australia, you have only 14 days to make sure you are enrolled to vote for the postal vote on same sex marriage: http://www.aec.gov.au/enrol/ THE POWER IS YOURS!”

This voter registration will be for a non-compulsory postal vote of eligible voters in Australia to voice their support or lack thereof for marriage equality. Despite what seems to be the majority of Australians being in favor of marriage equality, the contentious political landscape of the country has not allowed for a legislative change.  According to the Huffington Post, Prime Minister "Turnbull’s Liberal-National coalition has a slim, one-seat majority, and there’s a real fear that it could lose control of Parliament." If Australia can achieve marriage equality, that would make it the last developed, English-speaking country in the world to do so.

Ironically,  despite Captain Planet's recent voice in Australian politics, Australia was the only inhabited continent to not have a member in the Planeteers.

Source: Facebook, YouTube, Huffington Post

Image: Facebook, Slash Film

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