Logo for Byte Magazine at Ball State University

About the Production

Fantastically Mundane was piloted in the Spring semester of 2016 and continually worked on and polished since. The cast and crew quickly expanded as time went on, and it is thanks to their efforts that we can present this radio drama.

Executive Producer and Original Concept

Daley Wilhelm

Head Writer

Sarah James

Writing Team

Daley Wilhelm Sarah James Matthew Yapp Tt Shinkan Adam Sellers Kathleen Eastham

Scene Director

Dalton Martin

Recording Cast

Jack McGinnis as Marley Eamon Hegarty as Fauster Tt Shinkan as Nikki Jodi Aleshire as Sunshine Mark Judge as Declan Daezy Gilder as Azzie

Editing Team

Sarah James Daley Wilhelm Mitch Smolek Original music provided by Jack McGinnis

Marketing Team

Matthew Yapp Briana Marvell Daley Wilhelm Sarah James All original art provided by Tt Shinkan Special thanks to Dalton Martin and Wes Womble for quality control. Thanks also to each and every listener.


