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The Shepherd's Heart and Hands: providing help for the homeless

The Shepherd’s Heart and Hands hosted a forum to share their solutions to homelessness.

Joseph Romero, CEO of Shepherds Heart and Hands organization
Joseph Romero, CEO of Shepherds Heart and Hands organization

MUNCIE, Ind— Homelessness has become a rising issue in the state of Indiana. According to the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority, just over 4,854 people were experiencing homelessness in every county across the state of Indiana except for Marion County on Jan. 25, 2024.

However, Shepherd’s Heart and Hands, a nonprofit organization in Muncie, is working to solve the city's homelessness crisis one day at a time.

“A typical visit to the homeless camps is us bringing resources. Not just food but our knowledge, our love, our compassion,” says Joseph Romero, CEO of Shepherds Heart and Hands organization. “But we also have tents, we also have sleeping bags, toiletries, hygiene kits.”

Joseph Romero has consistently given his time to the homeless in Muncie for over two years, since Shepherd’s Heart and Hands was first established. 

This is not only to provide help but to offer hope and solutions for those in need.

“Our solution: Second chance housing,” said Romero. “Imagine affordable housing meets sober living meets low Barrier to entry. Imagine a place that will give you a second chance. We can do that.”

Romero has been serving the homeless community for over 30 years. When he moved from Orlando, Florida, to Muncie, he saw the community come together to help out his cause, which meant the world to him.

“It's a beautiful thing to see people that also have a heart for the community,” said Romero. “We have something in common: We want to see people lifted up and we know what it is to hurt ourselves.”

Romero has stated that he is interested in reaching out to the youth in Muncie, especially college students, to get the younger generation involved in the cause.

If you are interested in volunteering or donating, go to The Shepherds Heart and Hands – Love and Compassion from the Shepherds Heart

Contact Wyatt Maher with any comments wyatt.maher@bsu.edu