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Spring comes to Ball State

Ball State students come back to campus and are greeted by the warm weather.

MUNCIE, Ind. – Teachers and students come back from spring break vacations assuming the weather would stay cold and brittle, but the exact opposite happened.  

For the past few months, our winters have been harsh, scraping down into single digits. Luckily, spring is just around the corner. Expect highs of 70s and lows of 40s through the next week. Whether you're walking, skating or driving to class, all should be comfortable in this warmth.  

With the warmer weather, students are taking off their winter coats and enjoying the sunshine.  

“The weather’s great. Now that it's getting warmer out, I think it just brings a lot more joy in my life and everyone else cause you see the campus popping, more people are out, so it’s great, I love it,” said sophomore Aaron Swango.   

Students are enjoying warm weather activities this week. Such as playing football, riding bikes, hanging out in hammocks and driving around with the windows rolled down all throughout campus.   

A few students are taking advantage of the warmer weather. The Student Government Association held a table for alcohol safety tips at the scramble light yesterday.  

“We are tabling for Saint Patrick's Day; it’ll be a busy weekend with a lot going on here at Ball State. We are combining with HPA (Health Promotion Advocacy) to offer students safe resources, alcohol safety tips, and then just giving them a little SGA bracelets, beads and candy and stuff,” said Junior Philina Evett.  

Evett serves as the Organizational Chair for SGA’s student services wing. She commented on the weather's importance: “It’s a beautiful day. I think students are more likely to come to class and we can greet them, and see them, and they're probably in a much better mood if the weather's nice.”  

Many students had fulfilling and busy spring breaks. For student Patrick McGrath, his spring break has just started.    

“This is my spring break right now; I have an internship in D.C. that I got through the econ department here, and this is our spring break so to speak, so I came back here to enjoy the great campus,” said McGrath.  

While the weather is warm, make sure to enjoy every bit of it.   

Contact Braylon Judy with comments at Braylon.Judy@bsu.edu.