MUNCIE, Ind. — For some time now, you may have heard some commotion coming from North McKinley Avenue. This is all due to the recent progress on the new Ball State University Performing Arts Center (PAC). While to some construction is seen as a pain, here we are seeing a push to move forward.
On Nov. 14, 2024, Ball State University held its groundbreaking ceremony for the PAC and the hotel combined with it, Cantio.
These new facilities are essential to the Ball State University Village Restoration Project, which increases the importance and the vibrance of the area. Not only would this space be essential for Ball State Department of Theatre and Dance students, but for the arts in Muncie.
“To open a facility like that, and thinking about all the students and faculty and alumni and supporters of the program who have come before me, and come before us, that have worked so diligently and hard to make this moment happen,” said Chair of the Department of Theatre and Dance, Bill Jenkins. “It gives me great satisfaction in knowing that all of the work was not-for-not, it was actually worth doing.”
With 65-thousand square feet, the facility holds an expected 160 performances annually. The theatre holds a 450-seat mainstage theatre, a black box studio for classrooms and performances, and state-of-the-art facilities and technology.
Aside from the theatre, the Cantio Hotel holds 97 guest rooms, as well as an American restaurant, a rooftop bar and even a cafe.
By the fall of 2026, students are expected to be able to utilize the space given by the facility. Students wait anticipatingly, and Ball State student Abbie Robinson is just one of those who can’t wait to get into the theatre.
“From all of the things I’ve been hearing and just talking to my supervisors in the lighting and sound shop, as well as just other faculty in the DTO (Design Technology Option), I’m just super excited to see all the new technology we’re getting,” said Robinson.
Before moving into the new facility, there are some expected changes on campus as well. Starting in the academic year 25-26, student performances will be held in a new variety of spaces. Some of the spaces that will be used would be Emens Auditorium, the Brown Family Amphitheatre and many more.
From that point on, facilities such as University and Strother Theatre will operate as academic buildings while students adapt to the new spaces.
“Being able to move into spaces that will more accurately reflect the quality of what we do is a really exciting moment for all of us and I think we’re all just eager and earnest to move into these new spaces so that we can ultimately give our students what they deserve,” said Jenkins.
If you’d like to learn more about the facilities or see artistic renderings of the future of the arts, you can find them here.
Contact Payton Mucker with comments at