Ball State Student Government Association elects new president pro tempore for next school year

Ball State's Student Government Association (SGA)'s Chief Administrator Hunter Case, a third-year political science major at Ball State gives a March 26 presentation to the student senate inside the university's L.A. Pittenger Student Center Cardinal Hall A. Case  is running to be president pro tempore for next school year. Shelby Anderson, DN
Ball State's Student Government Association (SGA)'s Chief Administrator Hunter Case, a third-year political science major at Ball State gives a March 26 presentation to the student senate inside the university's L.A. Pittenger Student Center Cardinal Hall A. Case is running to be president pro tempore for next school year. Shelby Anderson, DN

Ball State’s Student Government Association (SGA) began their March 26 senate meeting with the president pro tempore elections for next school year. Sen. Jack Correa and Chief Administrator Hunter Case both presented their cases for why they would be ideal for the role. 

Correa, a third-year marketing and business information systems major, is “very involved” on-campus and with different organizations. He is also the founder, co-founder and director of the Muncie Lions Club.

Correa said some of her  ideas for SGA include making organization visits easier, increasing transparency,continuing excellence and improving onboarding for new senators. 

After Correa's presentation,. Case, a third-year political Science major, began a senate presentation for president pro tempore. 

Case said he has  been in SGA since his fall freshman semester. He currently is the chief administrator of SGA and the vice president of the College Democrats as well.  Some of his goals are to  help new senators, increase representation and have fun events.

Case won the election for president pro tempore.

Following the election, senate applicant Tapiwa Nyatsongoro, who is getting his science masters, gave a presentation for why he would be good in an off-campus seat.

Some of his main points for why he is running for SGA is student transportation and off-campus housing. He wishes for off-campus students to have transportation till 11 p.m. as well as for students and the working class to have separate apartments.

The vote was 24-3 with five abstentions. 

After Nyatsongoro’s approval, there were two budget requests: one for an off-campus clean-up and a second for Student Services’ Annual Easter Egg Hunt.

The first budget request came from the off-campus committee who wants to host a campus clean-up April 11.

The request for this included; $8.68 for a 100-pack of medium medical nitrile exam gloves, $51.25 for 55-60 gallon trash bags, $45.99 for a Ctosree 8 pack grabber reacher and $35.00 for miscellaneous items.

The vote was 33-0 with two abstentions 

The second budget request came from student services for their annual Easter egg hunt April 14 at University Green from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. 

The request included $12.99 for  Hershey’s assorted chocolate (130 pieces), $8.35 for Starburst Gummy assorted candy (95 pieces), $1.24 for Sour Patch Kids box candy, $3.97 for a Nerd Cluster Bag of candy, $4.65 for Reese’s Pieces box candy , $2.97 for a Trolli Sour Gummy Worms package, $2.88 for a Mini Starburst candy package and $15.00 for miscellaneous items.

The vote was 29-1 with three abstentions. 

After the budget request, Vice President Brenna Large mentioned the 2025 Inauguration Awards that the senate could win. The awards are Senator of the Year, Rookie of the Year and Dynamic Duo and Chair of the Year.

SGA then moved into its executive reports.

President Noah Poole discussed the green spaces and how SGA leadership had its final meeting with University Planning to add park benches and picnic tables to  North Quad and where LaFollette Residence Hall once was. 

Poole then discussed the disability awareness and accommodation initiative. He said he is meeting with the Division of Marketing and Communications to discuss putting QR codes on the automatic campus doors for when there is an outage.  

Treasurer Casey Rockel also updated the senate on the remaining money SGA has, which is $7,300 in the discretionary fund.

With no new or unfinished business the meeting was adjourned.  The next senate meeting will be April 2 at 3:15 p.m. in the L.A Pittenger Student Center.

 Contact Shelby Anderson via email at

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