Ball State’s Student Government Association (SGA) held its weekly senate meeting March 19 inside the LA. Pittenger Student Center in Cardinal Hall A, starting with elections for chief administrator and treasurer positions for the 2025-2026 academic year.
Sen. Philena Evett ran for chief administrator. Evett, a third-year criminal justice student, said she has been involved with the Ball State Democrats and has been in SGA for two years, acting as the organizational chair in the Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 academic year.
Evett was voted into the position 26-0 with seven abstentions.
Sen. Caroline Emerick ran for treasurer. Emerick is a third-year human resources management student and said she has been “very involved” with campus organizations during her time at Ball State, including within the campus’ Office of Student Life and the Honors College.
Emerick joined SGA in 2023 as the Miller College of Business representative. While in SGA, she said she has served on various committees, including the university’s student services and finance committee.
Emerick said she wants to reimplement past initiatives from past treasurers while helping students better understand their finances.
“With what financial knowledge I have, I would love the opportunity to help students during office hours [and] give financial literacy coaching,” she said.
Emerick was voted in 31-0 with two abstentions.
Following the elections, Chief Administrator Hunter Case and Sen. Jack Corea were nominated for President Pro Tempore.
Executive reports followed, with updates from President Noah Poole regarding the green spaces initiative point. He said he is meeting with university leadership to “discuss official locations and some concrete plans for our green space initiative.”
Chief of Staff Chelsea Murdock told the senate that she’ll be hosting a round table talk with Ball State’s Black Student Association April 7, with more information to come.
With no new or unfinished business, the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting open to the public is March. 26 at 3:15 p.m. at the L.A Pittenger Student Center in Cardinal Hall A.
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