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Silent auction for interior design students

The interior design project aims to get students interested and involved by sharing something interesting.

Students put their furniture up for bidding last week.
Students put their furniture up for bidding last week.

MUNCIE, Ind. — From Feb.10 to Feb.17, interior design students in the College of Architecture and Planning held their silent auction in the Applied Technology building at Ball State.

The project began over Christmas break, and students built their choice of furniture until the week of the event.

Assistant interior design instructor Cynthia Hunter says this project aimed to get students interested and involved by sharing something interesting.

“I know that if you provide something that kids are interested in and get them involved, they are more likely to do that,” Hunter said. “I aim to do the same thing with my students through furniture.”

While building their furniture, Hunter said that students developed an appreciation for interior design. Some even came up with ideas they had never considered before.

“When I created the assignment, more ideas came out than I expected,” Hunter said. “That always gives me joy as a faculty member.”

If all the high bidders retrieve their winning pieces, the project will have raised $1,000 over the week. The Department of Child Services will use this money to renovate its lobby.

Upon the announcement to interior design students, they will work on a summer project to help out in the renovation process.

“They will each get a chance to propose a design for the renovation,” Hunter said. “Once we give this idea to our client, we will make a cost estimate of the $1,000 raised for the renovation. The budget is a fundamental lesson to implement, and we must learn how to compromise some things to make our client happy.”

All unclaimed furniture will be donated to the local Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) women’s shelter. If you still need to claim furniture, email Cynthia Hunter at cjhunter2@bsu.edu.

Contact Evan Shotts with comments at evan.shotts@bsu.edu.