Five students were detained by University Police (UPD) for "disorderly conduct" during the Feb. 28 Board of Trustees meeting in Cardinal Hall A, at the L.A. Pittenger Student Center, according to Greg Fallon, associate vice president of university communications and digital strategy via email.
Outside of the room, a sign detailed public attendees expectations, including a bullet point asking to "not disrupt the meeting of the Board of Trustees."
Fallon said via email, "approximately 30 people exercised their right to protest peacefully and in accordance with University policies concerning the conduct of a public board meeting.
"...Five of those individuals, four students and one other person, loudly disrupted the meeting by yelling. They were warned to stop by the Board chair, and they persisted in disrupting the meeting. Because they did not stop, University Police removed those five people and arrested them for disorderly conduct."
This story will be updated with more information when available.
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