Ball State’s Student Government Association (SGA) welcomes Associate Director of Industry Engagement, Chrystal Pearson

<p>Ball State's Student Government Association (SGA)'s Chief of Staff Chelsea Murdock and President Pro Tempore Shaina Miller announced their campaign for SGA’s President and Vice President in the 2025-2026 academic year in the L.A. Pittenger Student Center. Their ticket, is Momentum, will be running unopposed. Shelby Anderson, DN</p>

Ball State's Student Government Association (SGA)'s Chief of Staff Chelsea Murdock and President Pro Tempore Shaina Miller announced their campaign for SGA’s President and Vice President in the 2025-2026 academic year in the L.A. Pittenger Student Center. Their ticket, is Momentum, will be running unopposed. Shelby Anderson, DN

Ball State’s Student Government Association (SGA) hosted its weekly senate meeting Jan. 29 and welcomed Associate Director of Industry Engagement, Chrystal Pearson. 

Pearson spoke about the county ambassadors program, which started last year as a pilot program, allowing students to be ambassadors of their county.  Duties of an ambassador include: promoting brand awareness, meeting and networking with leaders and businesses from the county, promote companies visiting and recruiting on campus. 

Pearson said the program is “lowkey” and is structured to be peer-to-peer in group settings.

She shared how this program allowed students to meet governmental officials, including once a year during an annual trip to the statehouse. 

If anyone has any interest in being an ambassador they can reach Pearson at

After Pearson’s presentation, SGA welcomed Mercy Lubeju, who was applying for the At-Large caucus seat. She is a general studies major who transferred from Southeastern Missouri.

Lubeju said she has been involved in many roles on campus, including being a presidential ambassador, international ambassador orientation leader and leadership program facilitator.

She said she wanted to be in SGA to increase the number of diverse and accessible leadership opportunities available on campus. diversity and more accessibility throughout. She talks about how Ball State is a very diverse school but wishes that the dining halls had more international food. 

“One of the things that makes someone feel at home is food,” Lubeju said. 

After a Q&A and a discussion, Lubeju was voted in with  33-0 and one abstention.

Following her induction. President Noah Poole gave his executive report, including an update about transportation efforts throughout campus. Poole said he talked to athletics and now they are offering busses for the men’s and women’s basketball and volleyball games. 

Games will be held Feb. 8, 27, March 12 and Apr. 19.

Poole said buses will also be running during Dance Marathon Feb 8. The route would be based on the blue loop but also make stops at North Dining and Anthony Apartments. 

After executive reports, the governmental relations committee proposed an amendment to the bylaws. The amendment would change Article IV Section 8. A. 3., Subsection a.

 The original legislation reads that SGA is required to send a committee member to Muncie City Council meetings, which currently does not happen due to time constraints. 

The proposed amendment will now support legislation for re-development in this area through further legislation while also satisfying the current lack of outreach within the Governmental Relations Committee. 

After SGA was adjourned, the nomination convention was held where Chief of Staff Chelsea Murdock and President Pro Tempore Shaina Miller announced their campaign for SGA’s President and Vice President in the 2025-2026 academic year. Their ticket, Momentum, will be running unopposed. 

Some upcoming debate dates include Feb. 5 at 5:30 p.m. in the  Arts and Journalism Building room 175. This first debate will introduce the candidates and their platform points. Each ticket member will be in attendance

The presidential debate is Feb. 11 at  5:30 p.m. in Teacher’s College room 120. Both presidential candidates will be asked questions about their platform points and what they want to do for Ball State’s campus. Students will be allowed to ask questions; vice presidential candidates will not be in attendance. 

The vice presidential debate is Feb. 13 in  Teacher's College room 120 at 5:30 p.m. This debate is just like the presidential election but instead, it just includes the vice presidential candidates. All three debates are open to the public and students. 

Contact Shelby Anderson via email at


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