Ball State’s Student Government Association (SGA) approves Jennifer Gosse for Election Board Sheriff

Treasurer Casey Rockel presents to the senate Dec. 4 during the Student Government Association meeting at the L.A. Pittenger Student Center. Rockel discussed how much money is left in the budget for next semester projects. Shelby Anderson, DN
Treasurer Casey Rockel presents to the senate Dec. 4 during the Student Government Association meeting at the L.A. Pittenger Student Center. Rockel discussed how much money is left in the budget for next semester projects. Shelby Anderson, DN

Ball State University’s Student Government Association (SGA) held its last meeting of the Fall 2024 semester Dec. 4.

To start the meeting, the senate held a vote to approve graduate student Jennfier Gosse for election board sheriff. 

The position of sheriff would work with the election board commissioner and SGA’s adviser Abby Haworth to make sure there are no violations during elections. 

Gosse received her associate’s degree in public health in 2020, her Bachelor's of Science in political science in 2023, and as of now, she is currently working on her master's degree in emerging media design and development.

Gosse was not able to attend the meeting due to class conflict, so Vice President Brenna Large presented on her behalf. Large said Gosse has been very involved in college as the president for Woodworth hall council and the activities director for the Residence Hall Association

Gosse was also the recognition chair for the National Residence Hall Honorary, the panhellenic delegate for Pi Beta Phi, and the social and entertainment chair for the National Association of Colleges and University residence halls. She even holds the position of graduate assistant in the Office of Student Life.

Gosse was voted into this position 24-1 with four abstentions. 

Following Gosse’s senate approval, SGA had a senate applicant from the honors college, Elijah Sturgis, a third-year general history major. 

Some of his campaign points included adjustments to dining by offering more fresh fruit and vegetables options. He also wants to increase transparency and make venues for students to participate in research.

“I'd like to implement more venues for students to participate in research, present that research, publish that research, and get people looking into the things that they're interested in looking into,” Sturgis said. 

Sturgis was approved for his seat 22-3 with four abstentions.

Executive reports followed from President Noah Poole, who informed the senate that  executives are working on the midterm report and how he is excited to share it with them. 

Treasurer Casey Rockel updated the senate about their current budget during his report, discussing with them the amount of money left for upcoming projects during the spring semester. As of now, the senate discretionary fund has about $7,400 left after the first semester. 

Rockel reported SGA set $8,000 towards transportation and has $6,712 left. For safety, SGA had $5,000 and they now have $4,582 left. For the election night watch party, they set aside $2,000 and have $1,651 left. 

Parliamentarian Brian Truell will not be returning to his position next semester because of an internship conflict. 

“Today was his last Senate. He's going to be away on an internship next semester, so we'll no longer be holding his role,” Large said.

With no new or unfinished business, the senate was adjourned. The next senate meeting will be open to the public Jan. 15. 

Contact Shelby Anderson via email at

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