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Special Q & A interview with Libertarian Lt. Gov. nominee Tonya Hudson

NewsLink sits down with Tonya Hudson in part two of a three-part series with lieutenant governor nominees to discuss campaign plans.

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. — Tonya Hudson, the lieutenant governor nominee for the libertarian party, sat down for a special interview to discuss her campaign’s goals and policy agenda. Hudson is the running mate of governor nominee Donald Rainwater.

When discussing the roles of the lieutenant governor, Hudson elaborated on the many things that they do and some of their biggest duties.

“The lieutenant governor has 26 statutory duties, and the biggest is secretary of agriculture,” said Hudson. “Trying to help our ranchers and farmers get on the marketplace is one of our most important jobs.”

Hudson also discussed how the lieutenant governor doesn’t make many decisions in the field of education but elaborated on her personal and party beliefs that educational choices should be left up to parents.

“[Education] is definitely on Don’s agenda,” stated Hudson. “We as libertarians are for the choice that parents should have the choice for their kids in the education system.”

Hudson discussed her beliefs in reproductive rights and health care. She stated that, according to libertarians, the government shouldn’t interfere with people’s personal decisions.

“I personally am pro-life; however, libertarians believe that we shouldn’t be getting in people’s business,” said Hudson.

For more information about Rainwater and Hudson’s campaign and policy plans, visit their website here.

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