Back on Track and Ignition Interlock Programs in Ontario

Back оn Track offers first-time offenders an opportunity tо shorten their suspension by installing an ignition interlock device and applying for the alcohol awareness program 'Back оn Track.'

The "Back оn Track" program explained іs designed tо help individuals who have been convicted оf impaired driving. By participating іn the program and using an ignition interlock device, offenders can potentially reduce the length оf their driving suspension.

Ignition Interlock devices serve tо separate drinking and driving by prohibiting your car from starting until you successfully pass what amounts tо an in-vehicle breathalyzer test. Tampering with оr driving without this device, оr permitting anyone other than yourself tо operate іt can result іn additional fees and even vehicle impoundment charges.

What is an Ignition Interlock?

Ignition Interlocks are devices installed in vehicles to help prevent drunk driving. You must provide a breath sample prior to starting up your car; any time your sample exceeds the legal limit, the car will sound an alarm or flash its lights to prohibit you from driving.

Your Ignition Interlock service provider will schedule monthly or bimonthly service appointments with you to calibrate the device, download recorded data to their database and review any potential problems or any tampering with the device - should that occur, your Ignition Interlock period could be extended accordingly.

If you have been charged with DUI and are required to install an Ignition Interlock device as part of your court sentence or conditional license reinstatement requirements, it is best to consult an experienced impaired driving lawyer like those at Melowski & Singh. We can discuss how the program operates and address any queries.

Who is required to participate in the Ignition Interlock program?

Ontario offers the Ignition Interlock program as a solution for first—and second-time offenders looking to reduce the length of their mandatory licence suspension period. Participants must meet various requirements, including mandatory installation and use of an ignition interlock device.

This device resembles a breathalyzer and connects directly with a vehicle's ignition system. Before starting up their car, drivers are required to blow into it before turning it on - any alcohol detected will prevent starting the engine - plus random retests are done during driving to ensure sobriety is maintained.

Participants must pay and maintain an ignition interlock device, participate in the Back on Track program, and fulfill any assessments, treatments or education programs as per requirements. Failing to comply may result in lengthy suspension and additional costs.

Failure to attend device performance checks or blow into the device with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) above the limit will result in an extended participation period and may resuspend driver's licenses.

How does the Ignition Interlock program work?

Ignition Interlock devices are run by private companies that install and monitor them. Drivers are required to blow into them prior to starting their cars; if alcohol or drugs are detected, the car won't start. Drivers are also asked to blow into them at random times during driving, known as rolling retests, for monitoring purposes.

If a driver violates the terms of their program, they may be forced to redo all or part of it again and incur additional fees and have their conditional licence reinstated. Violations include driving without fitting their vehicle with the device installed on it or missing appointments with service providers.

Once a participant has successfully completed both the Back on Track and Ignition Interlock programs, their license will be restored with an ignition interlock designation—meaning they may only drive vehicles equipped with this device. While the cost of the device and its installation may be high depending on your chosen provider, the overall cost can vary considerably.

How do I get my licence back?

If you have been charged with criminal impaired driving or have had your license suspended administratively, you must participate in one or both of the Back on Track and Ignition Interlock programs(s) to reinstate it.

Participants in the program must abide by rigorous requirements, such as installing and monitoring their device regularly. Failing to do so could result in additional penalties, such as fines, vehicle impoundments, or extended periods in which participants must have it installed in their vehicles.

Ignition Interlock programs can be costly, with installation, removal, monitoring, calibration, and insurance fees ranging anywhere from $1,500 to over $2,200 annually depending on your service provider and vehicle model. Therefore, it is vital that offenders consult an experienced DUI defence lawyer prior to pleading guilty so as to evaluate all their legal options fully and thoughtfully.

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