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Student Life organization rebrands name

Inside the Student Life office is the rebranded Spirits and Traditions.

MUNCIE, Ind. — What was once known as “Late Nite” at Ball State University now has a new name. The infamous name given to Ball State’s student life organization has been rebranded to “Spirit and Traditions.”

The new name aims to reflect the student life organization's current mission statement: “The Office of Student Life connects and cultivates student involvement, leadership, and belonging.” 

Anna Miller, the Assistant Director for Programs, believes the re-branding aspires to reflect the mission statement and create a vibrant community amongst students. 

“The university recognized a need for change within involvement on campus, and because our new mission allows us to create long-lasting traditions, we can build school spirit,” Anna Miller said. 

Since the beginning of the school year, Spirits and Traditions has held several campus-wide events. However, the team hopes to create more events targeted toward students’ interests and foster even more engagement than in previous years.  

“Since we have merged with Student Life, it made sense for us to follow the program and their footsteps. It allows us to holistically support students with their involvement on campus,” Miller said. 

The team strives to increase on-campus engagement but also wants to be part of something bigger than themselves. They aim to be part of the unforgettable years students create at Ball State so that they can reminisce. 

“We want students to be proud of being a part of Ball State, and eventually proud alumnus,” Miller said. 

Spirits and Traditions aims to be why students are proud to call themselves cardinals. Spirits and Traditions is always looking for feedback from students, and you can contact them studentlife@bsu.edu

Contact Amelia Winter with comments at amelia.winter@bsu.edu