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Redefining diversity in media

MUNCIE, Ind. — Fringed Production House, Cardinal Film Works' sister organization, is looking to change the way media is made and who can make it. 

“Fringed is a production house on campus that emphasizes diversity and raising underrepresented voices,” said Eris Robinson, the executive producer of Fringed. “Media can be such a boys club, so what we are trying to create a welcoming home for all people who want to do anything around the production field in an episodic feature.”

Fringed is looking toward a fresh start this fall, taking part in what they call “The Blue Sky Phase.” With a fresh start, Fringed is very interested in fresh faces.

In a call-out last night students of all ages showed great interest in fringed and are excited to delve deep into episodic film production. 

Nathaniel Barnes, a student and prospective member of Fringed, said,  “The fact that they are working on an episodic kind of project was something that I found interesting.”

Another prospective student, Branden Erwin, commented, “I think this is a really cool opportunity for me to step out of my comfort zone, put myself out there, and meet new people.”

Students weren’t the only ones excited about the call-out.

Robinson said, “This was a great call-out meeting. I got to meet a lot of new people see a lot of new faces. Freshman all the up to seniors…I think people are going to be really excited about what we create.”

Fringed is always looking for more members; for more information, contact Eris Robinson at eris.robinson@bsu.edu or contact them through their Instagram @fringedbsu.

Contact Eli Grasham with comments at eli.grasham@bsu.edu.