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New BSU Diving Club

A new student organization is helping students continue doing what they love.

MUNCIE, Ind. — The Dive Club was started by two friends, Jocelyn Mercier and Lauren Metzger, after they found out that they weren’t allowed to dive off of the boards during open swim. They both had a passion for diving and wanted to continue the sport. Most of the club's athletes have been diving for years, and others are just starting. 

Some say they didn’t want the pressure of collegiate diving, and they just wanted to feel free while continuing their sport. They wanted to be able to focus more on their studies but still dive with no time commitment. The club currently does not compete, but they are in the process of setting up some competitions to give their members the same adrenaline rush they once had. It’s about more than just staying in shape and having fun. It is about community and family. 

In an interview with dive club member Cole Wheeler, he said. “Every moment means something. Like when you’re up in the air you have so much free time to think about what's going on in your life, and you can just let it all go when you hit the water. And that’s why I love it.” 

The dive club has given Wheeler his safe space back that he had in high school, but he does not feel the pressure and commitment of professional diving, which allows him to be free. 

“It’s almost like you are a raindrop hitting the water and becoming something new every-time you dive,” said Wheeler.

Contact Cameron Noe with comments at cameron.noe@bsu.edu.