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Muncie Bridge dinner unites the Muncie community

A unique dinner style open to the public.

MUNCIE, Ind.— The annual Muncie Bridge Dinner took place Thursday from 5:30-7:30 pm. With local food and merchandise vendors, thie Old Washington Bridge was filled with the residents of Muncie. 

Where there is usually ongoing traffic on a Thursday, there were long dinner tables lined up along the bridge with a one-of-a-kind view of the White River. Food and music weren’t the only things playing a part in the dinner, kayaks and canoes were available for use. 

This event is free of charge and over a dozen organizations around the Muncie area are hosts, including Shafer Leadership Academy and Muncie community Schools. 

In 2017, this Dinner was put into action after a visit from Peter Kageyama, author of “Love Whee You Live: Creating Emotionally Engaing Places. When discussing his book, Kageyama mentioned the bridge dinner idea that took place in a different community. Short after this the Muncie community picked it up. 

Shafer Leadership Academy executive director, Mitch Isaacs, said the community engagement and feedback is what keeps the ball rolling. 

“When you put on an event especially one that’s new,” he said. “You know you’re probably onto something when people are asking you halfway through, when the event is happening again and that was our experience”. 

Isaacs encourages Ball State students to attend the event, as there is a shuttle that departs from Shafer Tower to the bridge. 

“We’re hopeful that this event can present to the Ball State community that ‘you’re welcome, and this is your home while you’re here, and that we want you to participate,” he said.

Executive director of community engagement, Alisa Wells, says she has been part of the Muncie Bidge committee for five years, and it improves every year.

“This is so exciting to see how it has grown and the diversity that it now enjoys im very, very excited” she said. 

For more information about the Muncie bridge dinner visit muncieneighborhoods.org 

Contact Kahmara Munn with comments at kahmara.munn@bsu.edu