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Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jennifer McCormick visits Muncie

Jennifer McCormick (D-Ind.) addressing the audience.

MUNCIE, Ind. — Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jennifer McCormick visited the Unitarian Universalist Church in Muncie on September 11th. She shared that she is platforming on women’s reproductive rights, education, higher wages, and mental health awareness.

She announced to the audience last night her plan to legalize marijuana in Indiana. She is planning to slowly introduce marijuana by establishing a medical marijuana industry that would set up a legal infrastructure to obtain the drug legally. After this infrastructure is adequately set up, she plans to make it legal for recreational use among adults.

This plan will also include regulating hemp-derived THC that makes up much of the cannabis that is sold in Indiana currently. This regulation would ensure that these products meet safety standards and protect consumers.

Legalizing marijuana would generate an additional $172 million annually in tax revenue for Indiana’s economy, which could be used to fund public infrastructure such as schools and roads.

McCormick also urged for both parties to comprise and work together, saying,

“We will always reach across the aisle. I will continue to do that. We did that when I was in the state house. That’s how we’re better; we’re stronger when we have a lot of thoughts at the table. We may disagree, and that’s okay, but let's find some commonalities to move forward.”

Jennifer McCormick was previously Indiana’s 44th Superintendent of Public Instruction. While in this position, she aimed to remove politics from education and improve Indiana’s standardized tests.

Indiana’s gubernatorial debates will be on October 2nd at 7 p.m., October 3rd at 6 p.m., and October 24th at 7 p.m..

Contact Dylan Chesnut with comments at dylan.chesnut@bsu.edu.