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Botswin hosts their annual “Great British Bake Off” Event

Third annual Botswin Baking Show.

MUNCIE, Ind. — The Botswin dorms is known for its media major students. The building has a green screen, cameras for students to rent and a computer lab for students to use. A tradition Botswin has started is the “Great British Bake Off of Botswin,” which was inspired by the British television baking competition. Students have the option to participate as a contestant, be an audience member and watch the event or be part of the production team. The production team gets a chance to help film and interview contestants like a real television program.The judges were the professors of the Media Department in Ball State. The competition also provided the professors to interact with their colleagues as well as the students. 

Student Tristan Wasserman has helped out in the event when it was first introduced last year. Although Wasserman doesn’t live in Botswin anymore, he still enjoys helping out in the event and explains he does more than handle the equipment.

“My job is sort of making sure everything was flowing right, that the batteries were charged and the judges were happy,” said Wasserman.

The contestants also had a wonderful time. My’Leeyaah Satterwhite and Au’Lise Balfour the winners of the Botswin bake off, expressed that they were excited when the judges announced their victory. Satterwhite and Balfour had to have a little encouragement before signing up, but it was worth it in the end.

“We didn’t think about it until we were sitting down here, you know what, let's do this,” said Satterwhite.

Between friendly competition, and production team making the event come to life, there seems to be many Botswin Bake Off’s in the future.

Contact Andie Zelaya with comments at andie.zelaya@bsu.edu.