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A club gaining velocity

Ball State Dodgeball Club emerging.

MUNCIE, Ind-  The Ball State Dodgeball Club allows students to showcase their agility and dodging skills in a fun and competitive way. The club has quickly gained participants from all over campus. Ke’Jaun Smith, the club’s president, believes the passion for the game brings people out to play week after week.

Launched three years ago, the club is already making waves with its spirited games and competitive matches. Although the games can be competitive, the main goal is to enjoy them. 

“It’s a great atmosphere. The club attracts a lot of good people, and it always has good vibes. We like to keep it fun while still being competitive,” said Smith when asked about the club’s overall atmosphere. 

The club meets several times a week, and its sessions have become popular hangouts for students looking to blow off steam or just have fun. Even with the new influx of participants, the club still invites more students to come out and join the dodging fun.

“I’d still like many more people to be here this semester. We’ve grown a lot, but I’d like to continue to grow,” said Smith when asked about the club's growth.

The Ball State dodgeball club is proving that a little competition can go a long way in building a strong community on campus. “I try and become friends with everyone who joins this club,” said Smith.

”I believe the more friends you have at a club, the more fun you’ll have, so that’s what I’m trying to accomplish.” The club meets every Tuesday and Thursday from 8 pm to 9 pm in the rec center and invites everyone to come out and join.

Contact Jalen Mckissic with comments at jalen.mckissic@bsu.edu