San Diego Businessman and Philanthropist David Malcolm on Supporting Youth

To David Malcolm—long-time real estate professional and President at Cal West Apartments—nurturing the next generation has always been a top priority. With over five decades’ experience in his industry, Malcolm has seen the immense value that comes from focusing on opportunities for youth to ensure a better future. 

Malcolm recently discussed the ways that business people can support today’s youth. 

(Questions are written in bold. Malcolm’s answers are written in regular font.)

Why is supporting today’s youth so invaluable to you?

It’s essential for a variety of reasons. Supporting younger generations leads to the promise of a better, more successful future for everyone. It’s important to provide the best education along with after-school programs and extracurricular activities. Children want to learn, have fun, and develop hobbies. It’s up to us to provide them with the necessary outlets.

Nurturing our youth also leads to a safer society. Educated, cared-for children grow into adults less likely to involve themselves in criminal activities, and drug, or alcohol abuse. By looking after children now, we can promote their health and safety in the future. 

You’ve mentioned before that helping young people provides a significant return on investment. Care to expand on that thought?

This goes back to what I was saying about a safer society. It’s really all about being proactive. Simply put, prevention is cheaper than rehabilitation. In the State of California, it costs approximately $133,000 to imprison an individual and meet their basic needs during their sentence. 

By spending more on our children today, we can reduce both our government and individual spending in the future. And that means we’ll have more funds for education, health care, and more.

 You support recreational activities through the YMCA, various local gyms, Camp Bashor, and Pine Valley Outdoor Science Camp. Why this focus?

I believe that giving children these opportunities will help them avoid mischievous or criminal activity. They can immerse themselves in the positive training that Boys and Girls Clubs or the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of the USA offer. These groups teach lifelong skills, improve lives, reduce future spending, and create safer neighborhoods.

It’s a win-win. Choosing to invest in these organizations should be a relatively easy decision for the government and the public to make. 

 You help parents make valuable decisions for their children via Voice of San Diego’s “A Parent’s Guide to San Diego Schools.” Tell us about it.

There is nothing more important than a child’s education. “A Parent’s Guide to San Diego Schools” allows parents to make critical decisions relating to the education of their children. It allows them to see what the best-performing schools are according to a variety of metrics so they can place their children in those schools.

When I was a child, we didn’t have an abundance of school choice. But now we do. And it’s important to use it. With this guide, parents can move their children to better schools. In essence, the guide holds both schools and the education system accountable. In fact, it causes somewhat of a chain reaction, because schools that are underperforming feel pressured to do better. 

Parents have a right to see what the best-performing schools are, and I’m incredibly proud to be part of Voice of San Diego’s program. 

If you could give one or two pieces of advice to young people today, what would it be?

That’s easy. I would tell them, “Find and listen to mentors. And pursue the best educational opportunities possible.”

If you’re a parent, choose a school with a proven track record. If you’re a child, make sure you always try your hardest and get involved with after-school programs. Always remember that your future—and the future of our society—depends upon you growing up into an intelligent, hard-working and trustworthy adult.


San Diego’s David Malcolm is more than just a businessman—he’s a champion of education and a man who believes in supporting opportunities so children can grow and positively impact the future. 

Putting his money where his mouth is, Malcolm is diligently supporting today’s youth. 

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