2024 Election - Delaware County Primary Election Results

Muncie locals vote Nov. 6, 2018 at Forest Park Senior Citizen Center at 2517 W. Eighth St., in Muncie, IN.  Rebecca Slezak,DN
Muncie locals vote Nov. 6, 2018 at Forest Park Senior Citizen Center at 2517 W. Eighth St., in Muncie, IN. Rebecca Slezak,DN

Editor's Note: This story has been updated to reflect more up-to-date election results

The primary elections took plact across the country on May 7 with ballots closing for Delaware County at 6 p.m.

According to the unofficial results from the Delaware County Clerk, there was an 18.31% voter turnout rate for the county, with 13,644 total votes between paper absentee, walk-in absentee and in-person voting. 

President Joe Biden ran unopposed on the Democratic ballot, but the race for the Republican presidential nominee had former President Donald J. Trump leading as a front-runner with 77.76% of votes, his opponent Nikki R. Haley earning 22.24% of Republican voters. 

In the Republican race for the state governor candidate,  Mike Braun leads with the most votes, 39.38% of Republican ballot voters. Following were: Suzane Crouch (19.94%), Brad Chambers (17.58%), Eric Doden (12.34%), Jamie Reitenour (7%) and Curtis Hill (3.86%)

Democratic candidate Jennifer G. McCormick ran unopposed in her party, receiving 3566 total votes in comparison to Braun's 3745 total votes. 

In the Republican race for United States Rep. for District 5, the leading candidate is Chuck Goodrich with 38.04% of votes. Victoria Spartz followed with 37.60% of the votes. 

In the Democratic race for United States Rep. for District 5, Deborah A. Pickett leads with 59.24% of the votes, Ryan Pfenninger has 40.76%. 

On the Republican ballot for  State Rep District 33, John (J.D.) Prescott has 76.49% of votes, Gregory W. LeMaster has 23.51%. 

On the Democrat ballot for State Rep. District 33, John E. Bartlett has 69.81% of votes, Jim Phillips has 30.19%. 

Both party candidates ran unopposed for State Rep District 34, Susan Dillon (R) and Sue Errington (D). 

Both party candidates ran unopposed for State Rep District 35, Elizabeth Rowray (R) and Philip G. (Phil) Gift (D)

Stephen Brand leads as the Republican candidate for County Commissioner in District 1 with 63.48% of votes. Democratic candidate Ashley N. Wright ran unopposed. 

Sherry K. Riggin leads as the republican candidate for County Commissioner in District 2 with 60.26% of votes. No Democratic candidate was filed. 

No democratic candidate was filed for Yorktown Town Council Dist 2. The republican candidate Nanci Sears Perry ran unopposed. 

Republican candidate for Yorktown Town Council Dist 3 Chris Greene leads with 51.42%. No democratic party candidate was filed. 

Both parties had unopposing candidates in the Yorktown Town Council Dist 5 race - Marta Guinn (R) and Spencer Rutherford (D)

The next elections will take place on Nov. 5. Information about voting can be found online at the County Clerk's website

This brief may be updated as more election results become available.

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