President Pro Tempore nominees present to the senate, a new candidate is elected

Sen. Skylar Ellis gives her presentation for the President Pro Tempore position during the Student Government Association (SGA) meeting March 27 at the L.A. Pittenger Student Center. Meghan Braddy, DN
Sen. Skylar Ellis gives her presentation for the President Pro Tempore position during the Student Government Association (SGA) meeting March 27 at the L.A. Pittenger Student Center. Meghan Braddy, DN

During the March 27 Student Government Association (SGA) meeting, each nominated senator for the next school year's President Pro Tempore position gave a presentation.

Sen. Noah Clark was the first to present. He believes he is qualified for the position due to his experience in recruitment and retention and his service on various independent committees.

If elected, Clark plans to work one-on-one with senators, bring resolution authors to the university senate and continue recruitment and retention for full student representation, among other initiatives.

“Everyone sitting in this room has a purpose: to support what we want and what the students want,” Clark said. “ That's why I'm running. It's for you. I'm not doing this to support myself.”

Sen. Skylar Ellis followed. Ellis believes she is qualified for the position due to her leadership experience in organizations such as the Mock Trial Association, Studebaker West Hall Council, and the Legal Studies Student Association.

If elected, Ellis plans to increase SGA promotions, work with the Residence Hall Association (RHA) and mandate transition documents for caucuses and committees, among other initiatives.

Ellis shared advice for new senators, "Don't be afraid to say something and start your projects. The second piece of advice would probably be similar but not to be afraid to ask for help. Everyone here wants to helps other students, and we all have our own interests and passions.”

Sen. Shaina Miller presented last. She believes she is qualified for the position because she's already on the recruitment and retention independent committee and has experience as a collegiate caucus honors college representative.

If elected, Miller plans to fully employ recruitment and retention, expand senator education, diversify the Senate and more.

“I want to have a guide for voting, writing resolutions, legislation and budget requests and I will work with the Vice President to increase the training so that all senators feel comfortable and welcome to this environment,” Miller said. 

Miller was elected into the position with the majority vote.

During the meeting, President Joseph Gassensmith gave his executive report, reminding the senators about upcoming events. This included Sexual Assault Awareness Month and One Ball State Day, the university’s annual day of fundraising. 

Gassensmith also said he's working on getting a designation for the new bus stop shelter on McKinley Avenue, so everyone knows SGA achieved that.

SGA then approved two amendments: updating the senate attendance policy and changing the budget request deadline. 

Senators will no longer be given unexcused absences for every three tardies they have and they must submit their budget requests sooner.

With no new business to vote on, the meeting was adjourned.

Contact Meghan Braddy with comments via email at or on X @meghan_braddy.

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