Student Government Association receives update on the executive board’s platform points

Student Government Association President Joseph Gassensmith addresses the senate during their meeting Nov. 8.  Madelyn Bracken, DN
Student Government Association President Joseph Gassensmith addresses the senate during their meeting Nov. 8. Madelyn Bracken, DN

The Ball State Student Government Association (SGA) began their meeting with a presentation from Health Promotion and Advocacy (HPA) graduate assistant Leah Coffman.

Coffman highlighted what HPA can provide to students as well as presenting the senate with various ways that they believe would be beneficial in a partnership with SGA. This included events as well as other services for the student body.

Directly following HPA’s presentation, SGA President Joseph Gassensmith took the stage to give an update on the executive board’s platform points.

Gassensmith went over every point, giving a small explanation of what each point consisted of and whether they were completed or in the works.

These points consist of but are not limited to biodegradable containers and flatware in dining facilities and a diversity of options in the dining hall. 

“I am being intentionally vague but there will be more diverse dining options,” Gassensmith said. “Dining has been working on this over the course of the past semesters and something will take shape next semester.”

They also have multiple diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) points such as a DEI commission and the identity button campaign.

Gassensmith also expressed various meetings and talks that he has had about the feasibility of a blue light system on Riverside as well as in the Scheidler apartments as well as improving on-campus lighting.

There is also talks of a second blue loop bus, repairing bike racks and a bike share system in collaboration with the city of Muncie along with many more points.

“As I said in my address to y’all in October, I said by the end of this semester 100% of our points will either be in progress or completed,” Gassensmith said. “Me and my board have done that.”

Parliamentarian Brian Truell informed the senate of some amendments to their governing documents that would be coming their way soon. It will be a collection of phrasing and word changes and will also provide a way to educate the senate on writing and presenting legislation.

They ended senate with announcements, informing the senate of their safer sex ed event, occurring November 14th, 7:00 pm in Arts and Journalism (AJ) 225 as well as their Community Cleanup on November 11th at 12:00 pm, meeting at the L.A. Pittenger Student Center Starbucks.

Contact Madelyn Bracken with comments at
