HACE hosts first Community Cares event of year

MUNCIE, Ind.--- Members of the Honors College gathered together in the Honors College Building and backyard to create care packages for the Muncie community. 
HACE, or Honors Association for Community Engagement, is a Ball State organization. This past week, they hosted their first community cares event of the year. With a goal to give their honors 100 students, or freshmen, the experience to engage with their own community, while making a real and meaningful impact hands-on. 
These honors students have a guided peer mentor class that they all take to understand a better sense of community. HACE is the perfect way for students to engage with this idea. 
Grace Carmen, vice president of HACE, goes on to say, “they created a community with each other, the honors college, and also the Muncie community.” 
Lots of work has went into this event for it to come together.
"They have been planning it since the spring semester...trying to find new ways to engage our honors freshmen and ways to engage with our community," Carmen said.
HACE worked with the Muncie Mission to put this event on.
During the event, members worked together to create care packages including items such as deodorant, toothpaste and a kind note to encourage Muncie on their journey. This was the first of many events that HACE is putting on.
As always, you can follow @ballstatehonors for more updates on future events.
Contact Anna Drake with comments at anna.drake@bsu.edu.


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