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Ball State Daily

The Ball State Daily is a collaborative website that hosts our university’s award-winning, student-run media organizations. The Ball State Daily is a great resource to stay up-to-date with news and events throughout Muncie and Ball State. You may find it to be a useful resource for other things as well, like Muncie weather updates and pop-culture reviews. The website also features sponsored stories and advertisements for local Muncie businesses and services. 

Cardinal Career Center

The Cardinal Career Center is a great resource for students looking for a job on campus. Using their job-finding application, Cardinal Career Link, it’s easy to find jobs in the area. Make an account, put in your information including your graduation year and major, then just wait. In all seriousness, you may not always get the results you hope for. However, that doesn’t devalue the services the Cardinal Career Center offers. Besides, if you don’t like what you see, just wait and keep an eye on your email. The Cardinal Career Center will email you opportunities that relate to your major and experience.

Benny Link

Benny Link will help you find opportunities like the Cardinal Career Center. However, rather than job opportunities it will help you find extracurricular and organizational opportunities, as well as inform you about upcoming events and important news. If you’re looking for different student clubs and organizations on campus that’ll appeal to you, Benny Link is one of the first places you’ll want to look. Sign in with your BSU email address and password, search for an event or organization, and then Benny Link will do the rest.

Communication Center

When you open up your ‘’ email, keep an eye out for the ‘Daily Digest’ and other content from the Ball State Communications Center. The Communication Center works as a self-service platform used to publicize news and information. Want to know if there’s a book sale? Communications Center. Is the library still closed because of that water leak? Communications Center. Did they ever catch that alien monster that eats teenagers and lives in the walls? The last one is obviously a joke, but if there was actually a monster: Communications Center. 


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